There are antioxidants more powerful than Vitamin C.

The Fat Soluble Vitamins—A, E, D3 and K2—are Essential to a Strong and Effective Immune Response against a wide variety of pathogens and toxins. Yet, due to runaway Ecological Damage in the 21st Century, many of us are deficient in these important Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients.  Air Pollution rapidly depletes the matrix of Fat Soluble Vitamins available to support Healthy Immune Function, while contamination of water and chemical depletion of soil make it difficult to achieve and maintain a truly healthy nutritional balance within our modern and highly industrialised systems of food and agriculture. 

Ecological Damage, Climate Change and Human Health

Because of the inescapability of Ecological Damage on our planet in the 21st Century, just obediently eating a standard healthy diet could often be insufficient to restore reserves of Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients necessary to slow or reverse the general Decline in Human Health, which is a fundamental facet of the super-dynamic we call Climate Change.

Anthropocene, Nature Formalised, Nature Abstracted

We should ask ourselves whether Climate Change as a result of systemic reliance on petroleum and its many derivatives for energy, food, agriculture, and even our monetary regime, is analogous to the lead-based food preservatives and water pipes that catalysed the Fall of Rome.   Asking and answering such questions now would be helpful and meaningful, while waiting for the historians of the future to analyse how we blithely poisoned ourselves would be quite pointless.

The Latest Research on Ketogenic Diet and Innate Immunity

Research studies from Duke University, dating back to 1979, as well as the latest research from Yale University, published in November 2019, point to the importance of saturated fats, certain mono-unsaturated fats and keto-adaptation generally to reducing harmful oxidative stress and improving the immune function of skin and other epithelial tissue, including in our lungs.

Severe oxidative stress, particularly when it runs rampant in the respiratory system, can fundamentally compromise health and immunity.  More specifically, the latest research indicates that keto-adaptation has the potential to enhance the Innate Immune Response through promoting increased generation of γ / δ T-Cells in complex skin and other epithelial tissue.  γ / δ T-Cells perform a number of important functions that mediate between the innate and adaptive immune systems; but perhaps the most important is in promoting the apoptosis—or cellular death and disposal—of cells that have been taken over and co-opted by a virus.  Targeted apoptosis slows the internal spread of contagion while also mitigating associated pathology.  Research concerning γ / δ T-Cells—often described as the Ideal Tool for new immuno-therapies in the 21st Century including against certain forms of cancer—has intensified dramatically.

The Yale Study was based on observations of differences in survival rates among mice infected with normally lethal levels of Influenza-A virus as a function of degrees and varieties of ketō-adaptation.  Survival rates were high and correlated with better oxygen saturation levels among ketō-adapted sample populations, compared to populations fed standard diets, among which survival was nil.

As you may have guessed now, the benefits of ketō-adaptation combined with adequate reserves of Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients are somewhat more complex than in the provision of antioxidant potential alone.  But, we'll have a chance to discuss these processes more fully in the coming weeks and months.  For now, it will be enough to remember just this:


The skin is the largest organ of the human body.  Also, the skin is the organ that we use to interact with our external environment; and when that environment in its matrix of chemical and microbial threats has phase-shifted to a condition of chaos and hostility, the skin's relationship with that environment should be competitive, strong and highly adaptive.  In a general way, this is why Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients are important.  They promote proper, competitive and well-regulated skin functionality, including but not limited to antioxidant force.  Far from providing just a hard barrier against pathogens and toxins, the skin and other deeper epithelial tissues house and coordinate our immunity response systems, many of which depend upon reserves of the Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients actually in solution in meaningful quantities of Healthy Fats.

Competing for the Sun, Skin Immunity Landscape, Nature as Skin

An Easier Way to Ketō-fy your Life and Start your Mornings

The Ketogenic Diet has quickly evolved from food-fashion into a comprehensive reconsideration of food, agriculture, ecology, climate and human health in the 21st Century.  We at Trü-Sky hope to play a meaningful role in the directed evolution of our food and health ecology—based on future science and inspiration from the Paleō-Pacific past—as we cope with the many sobering challenges of the 21st Century.

Still… despite the clear health benefits of high fat, low carb diets, we can't all be professional Ketō-Baristas, at least not every day.  Not everyone has time in the morning to brew, blend and then eventually drink a healthy mixture of carefully-selected fats for an invigorating Ketō-Coffee or -Tea. 

And don't forget:  the coconut oil in that Ketō-Coffee lacks any of the Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients necessary to truly Healthy Ketōsis. 

For far less than the cost of a daily café-brewed Keto-Coffee, our FAT SOLUBLES No. 1 and FAT SOLUBLES No. 2 will enhance the bio-availability of the full complement of important Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients contained within them by providing a KETŌ-SHOT IN EVERY SERVING from just two softgels of each formulation (making a total of four), allowing you to go back to drinking your coffee or tea… as coffee or tea

You have a lot to do, so we'd like to help you get on with it.

In our proprietary blends called Liquid Sun and  Green Sun, we place all of the Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients you need into stable solution in a mixture of MCT Oil (from organic coconuts), Virgin Organic Coconut Oil, and either Pure Red Palm Oil or Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil (from Spain).

Fat Solubles No. 1, softgels, Vitamins A, E, Tocotrienol, Pure Red Palm Oil, MCT Oil, Virgin Organic Coconut Oil

If you like, you can even chew our softgels (which are somewhat larger than average) to enjoy the flavour of our Liquid Sun and Green Sun blends of healthy fatty acids, which contain the micro- and phyto-nutrients necessary to healthy and Meaningful Ketōsis.  Our softgel casings are made from proud Canadian pork.

Our Winter Promotion 2020

Our FAT SOLUBLES No. 1 formula contains not only all-natural Vitamins A (as β-Carotene) and E, but also Tocotrienol, a naturally occurring IsoForm of Vitamin E that has been shown to be 60x more effective than the more common form of Vitamin E, which is the standard isomer called α-Tocopherol.  In fact, true all-natural Vitamin E is a healthy complex of all eight IsoForms—four Tocopherols and four Tocotrienols—which are most effective when taken together, just as nature intended.  We'll have much more to say about Tocotrienol as we go forward, because this IsoForm of Vitamin E is set to become one of the most important corrective nutritional responses to 21st Century Ecological Damage.

Our FAT SOLUBLES No. 2 formula contains Vitamins D3 and K2, both of which in addition to acting as very powerful antioxidants perform vitally important functions in the proper up- or down- regulation of all levels of the Human Immune Response.  You've no doubt read a lot about the importance of Vitamin D lately.  But did you know that you should always take Vitamin K2 with your daily Vitamin D3, as Vitamin D3 alone can seriously de-stabilize the body's management of calcium?

Fat Solubles No. 2, Vitamins K2 D3, MCT Oil, organic, Virgin Organic Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil

Our FAT SOLUBLES No. 1 and FAT SOLUBLES No. 2, taken together, will provide you with the full complement of all the key Fat Soluble Micro-Nutrients, which as an interactive and unified complex of Micro-Nutrients will help modulate Human Immune Defenses, rather than simply stimulating or boosting immune over-responses into a condition of inflammation, the most dangerous of which is the cytokine storm.  Modulation of immune response also enhances the effectiveness  of the human Adaptive (as opposed to the non-specific and Omnibus Innate) Immune System.

For the anxious Winter Holidays of 2020—when it can be challenging to get a healthy amount of Vitamin D from the sun—we're offering a special discounted price on a bundle of one bottle of FAT SOLUBLES No. 1 plus one bottle of FAT SOLUBLES No. 2.  (Limit of two bundles to each customer.)  Each bottle of FAT SOLUBLES No. 1 and FAT SOLUBLES No. 2 contains 120 large softgels, twice the industry standard of a more typical but less abundant 60 capsules

Stock up for the winter, while stocks last.  Supplies are Limited, although we're working hard to meet Total Demand around the world.