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Slow Beauty
Yet, the choice of methodology for achieving fantastic Skin is going to be very important. Consider that Queen Elizabeth I of England from the 16th Century is remembered today mostly for her fondness for lead-based cosmetics, used to mask the scarring left from smallpox, which was then (and until deep into the 20th Century) a recurring pandemic. Elizabeth I, was, of course, very, very fair after the application of the pale white leaden Venetian Ceruse. This habit of using a mixture of water, vinegar and lead as a cosmetic began in Ancient Rome, where lead was used both to line water pipes and as an all-purpose food perservative. The consequences for Rome and Queen Elizabeth were dire, deadly and catastrophic. Whether lead poisoning was the central force in the Fall of Rome is uncertain, but when a leaden butterfly begins to flap its toxic wings the follow-on effects aren’t likely to be very happy.
The Skin Immunity Landscape
One of our working hypotheses is that ecological damage—particularly air pollution—is the main driver behind recent declines in Skin health. There is an important nexus among three global super-dynamics: ecological damage • compromised skin health • and, a slide into chaos of vital immune processes. There is a scientific relationship of cause and effect amounting to a cascade that links each of these super-dynamics. This is why the Skin Immunity Landscape has deteriorated alarmingly around the world, creating an open field of play for present and future opportunistic pathogenic vectors.